Friday 25 May 2012

Expanding the cast part 1

The second story saw some changes to our regular cast of characters.
First off the chap playing Dungoof felt that he couldn't see a long term future in playing an Ork. Essentially he felt that he couldn't be consistantly "orky" enough and felt restricted in social situations (particularly as we play a very social and interaction heavy game). However the character concept, and the fact that he's a significant character on board was not something I wanted to lose. Plus the rest of the players were very keen on his effect in social scenes - in their opinions it made it more challenging and more interesting. Added to that the PC, and particularly the way the player ran him was just plain fun.
The player had an idea for an Explorator Tech-Priest, which was very cool and would fill what had become a very obvious "skill gap" in the group (Tech-use) so we agreed that he would "retire" Dungoof to the Bilge decks.  Essentially the Ork is still aboard, Twist catching and scum hunting but that way the player got to play a character he found easier to run and, if the mood takes or the scenario requires it (as it has done since) he can pick up Dungoof again. Just one of the advantages of playing with a huge ship of potential characters.
The tech-priest in question is Enginseer Desmond Mord, the Omnissian Congregator aboard the Majestic Labour. A specialist in Servitors and Cogitators Mord is a radical free-thinker who had to flee the Calixis Sector after accusations of tech-heresy after daring to create and invent unsanctioned technologies.  He arranged to be smuggled out of the sector and was able to secure a post on the Labour through Bo'sun Tanda, who was from the same Forge World and ran with the same street gangs in his youth.

The second change was that we gained a fifth player. However due to work and family commitments he wouldn't necessarily be able to play regularly.  With this in mind we created the Untouchable Arch-militant character of Rahip Lomar.

Rahip was born and brought up on the Calixian Death World of Zel Secundus. There he learnt to hunt and defend himself, becoming an accomplished sniper. He was spotted and recruited to a specialist Imperial Guard unit: Major Thomas Baker-Street's Irregulars where he also met the young penal soldier Vyn Tanda. He served quietly and obediantly, but his Untouchable nature kept him alienated from his colleagues. However after a disaterous run in with a group of Eldar both he and Tanda met and were eventually recruited by Lord-Captain Baccahrus.

Baccahrus recognised his Untouchable nature and has made great use of his "talent" ever since, tutoring him in what it means and having him accompany key staff on various missions, delegations or discussions.

On board ship Lomar works to help tend to Baccahrus' collection of beasts, having more of an affinity to them than his fellow man.  He also acts to co-ordinate and manage the Lord-Captain's hunting trips to various feral, feudal and Death worlds to obtain new creatures for the collection.

The final change was the unexpected death of Vyn Tanda.  While the player could have burnt a Fate point to survive she decided she'd rather try a different character and so created an Astopath; Deatrix Castella.  An accomplished swordswoman and psyker she is constantly accompanied by a large wolf. Due to work commitments unfortunately she hasn't had much chance to play her yet so she's often encountered as an NPC aboard ship.

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